To join or renew your membership of EFAC please fill in this form.

If you use an autofill app please check that all the numbers have been filled in correctly.

When you click on submit if you have an amount to pay you will be passed to the Melbourne Anglican Development Fund's Westpac Payway page, where you will be asked to enter your credit card details. They will send you a payment receipt if you include your email address.

Note: If you prefer to pay by cheque you can download a membership form and send it to EFAC Treasurer 20 Gordon St Fairfield 3078

Membership fees are $50 per calendar year (reduced to $40 for those who choose to receive a PDF version of Essentials by email)or $25 (reduced to $20 as above) for students, missionaries and retired persons (includes Essentials Subscription). Membership is renewed annually in January.

You can, if you wish, pay for three years.

To pay by Direct Debit:
Fill in and submit the form, selecting Direct Debit. Make sure you use your Surname and your Receipt No as the reference for the payment.
BSB: 063112 A/C No: 1027 2176
A/c Name: EFAC Aust

Select one
If no mobile please enter home phone No.

EFAC Basis of Faith
Click in the box to get the total to be paid
Once you click on Submit, if you need to include a credit card payment, you will be passed to the Melbourne Anglican Development Fund's secure Westpac Payway page where you will need to enter your credit card details.